I have a couple of drawings in a show curated by one of my favorite cartoonists, Chris Cilla, at the Pony Club Gallery in Portland Oregon. Cilla describes the exhibit as, "A delicious freshly boiled collection of scientifically created, fantasy fueled factual autopsies, mostly flat, frequently black & white, some colored pigments, all seeing, all of the time." The show features work by 20+ artists including John Hankiewicz, Jason T. Miles, Zack Soto, Dylan Williams and others.
The "Trubble Club" that is... I've been meeting with some of the talented Chicago cartoonists folks doing comics jams together. Many of them turn out strange, humorous, or just plain silly but overall I'm pleased to be with many of them. We've compiled some of them in a mini that's being sold at Quimby's here in Chicago and we're working on a second volume. Other Trubble Club members include: Al Burian, Lilli Carré, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Anya Davidson, Lucy Knisley, Corinne Mucha, Rachel Niffennegger, Bernie McGovern, Laura Park, Aaron Renier, Grant Reynolds, Becca Taylor, Jeremy Tinder, and Marco Torres... Go check out the blog.
The first one is called "It Cuts Plastic Tubing and Human Fingers Efficiently" and the second is "Office in a Small City" (after Edward Hopper). Here's a link to the original painting.
This is a preview video for Ivan Brunetti's "An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons & True Stories Vol. 2" published by Yale University Press. I'm fortunate enough to have drawn the title page (which is animated in the beginning of this video - my drawing, "Cartoon Suprematism") as well as having a page of unpublished comics in it. The book is amazing and I highly recommend it even if you are on the "up and up" with today's art-comics.
Finally, a new comic. This is the second half of a collaborative comic I did with John Hankiewicz for Chicago Artists' News, a paper published by the Chicago Artists' Coalition. John wrote the strip, drew his half, and I did the second half. There's more info on the strip on John's blog. The first half of the story is there too so you may want to visit his blog and read his half first. It was great to collaborate with John on this because I got to learn more about his ideas with constructing stories for his comics.
As part of Trevor Alixopulos' signing tour for his new book, "The Hot Breath of War", I'll be signing along with him, Laura Park, and Jeremy Tinder at Quimby's here in Chicago. What will I be signing? Well, if there's anyone who shows up with copies of the Hotwire anthology, I can sign those. Yeah, I don't do much nowadays and I don't have a book of my own... I may have a couple of new minis there that I did with John Hankiewicz though. So there'll be something new at least...
To coincide with the annual SPX convention, I've been nominated for an Ignatz Award for my story in Hotwire Comics #2 (Fantagraphics Books) called "The Candy Rod". This is surprising to me, as I've never been nominated for a comics-related award. It's unlikely I'll win the award because of the other great stories mine is up against, including: "Americus", MK Reed and Jon athan Hill, Papercutter #7 (Tugboat Press) "The Galactic Funnels", Dash Shaw, Mome #11 (Fantagraphics Books) The Thing About Madeleine, Lilli Carre (self-published) "The Urn", Chris Wright, Inkweed (Sparkplug Comic Books)
Other pals of mine have been nominated in other categories as well: Lilli Carre, Laura Park, Austin English, Ted May, and David King.
I will be at Quimby's tomorrow night at 7pm (Friday, July 18th) for the Windy Corner Magazine signing along with John Hankiewicz and the editor (and main cartoonist) Austin English. The way I'm involved is that I interviewed John Hankiewicz for this issue and I'll be there to support these guys. Here's a link to the Quimby's site with the event announcement.
This is a drawing that Paul Nudd did for me. I'm flattered. Paul and are brewing up a possible collaborative art/comics project and I'll let you know more when it happens.
In other news, I recently finished up a new mini comic and a mini of drawings (some of them are shown above) that are split 50/50 with John Hankiewicz. We'll be putting this out sometime before the end of the summer. The two of us are also working on a 4 page comic for the Chicago Artists' Coalition newspaper. I'll post something about it once it's ready for print.
There are some photos up on the Pony Club Gallery's Flickr account from the show I was in curated by Chris Cilla. Go and check 'em out here.
Recently, I took a position at Beverly Arts Center on Chicago's south side teaching a comics class for junior high and high school students. The class will be over this week, but I've made scans of a lot of their comics and will post a link to a Flickr set. The above drawing is by Gabriel (13 yrs old).
Finally, here are a couple of my recent doodles. I'll try to update this blog more often.
Some of my recent drawings and prints will be in a group show titled "The Wormy Apple Now!" at the Pony Club Gallery in Portland, OR. The show is curated by Chris Cilla and features work from Vincent Fritz, John Hankiewicz, Ryan Iverson (who drew the back of this postcard with the info), Jason T. Miles, Tim Root, and Chris Cilla himself (he drew the front of the postcard too).
I will be giving a lecture this Thursday night (May 1st) at Columbia College Chicago along with Ivan Brunetti and John Hankiewicz. We'll be talking about our work and a bit about self-publishing comics. The lecture will be at Columbia College's library on the 3rd floor (624 S. Michigan Ave.) from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. (Above image is from the poster for the event.)
I'll have work in an exhibit this Saturday (one day only) called, "S.T.O.M.A." - curated by Paul Nudd (he drew the postcard above). Here are the other artists in the show with links:
I've uploaded some photos to my Flickr account that I took of the exhibit I curated in Minneapolis called "Off-Kilter Comics" as well as the signing I had with Ivan Brunetti, John Hankiewicz, and Zak Sally.
Above are some photos of the opening taken by Terry Beatty. You can see more of the photos from the opening at his blog. Here are even more photos of the opening. There was also a nice write-up of the show in the Southwest Journal from Minneapolis.
I am curating a show at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design called, "Off-Kilter Comics." The exhibit features over 70 works including original comics pages, prints, and original drawings by:
Ivan Brunetti Lilli Carré John Hankiewicz Onsmith Zak Sally Dan Zettwoch Above is the front of the postcard for the show and here's the back with additional info: I'll also be signing books with Ivan Brunetti, Zak Sally, and John Hankiewicz at Big Brain Comics on April 5th from 3 to 5pm. Here's the flyer for the event:
This is a new drawing I did with ink-wash and a touch of colored pencils. I apologize for my crappy digital photos (the lamp light probably didn't help much either).