Saturday, September 23, 2006

Cover Illustration - "Who-Ville"

Here's an illustration for a newsletter/magazine published by the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University - the Academy of Alternative Journalism. The first image is the published newsprint copy and below is the wrap-around illustration. The image is kind of a Dr. Suess inspired rendering of the Chicago skyline (albeit very much different from the Dr. Suess art - I just couldn't pull it off).


David King said...

Hey, that's cool. How big is the original?

Onsmith said...

Thanks man - it's like 13"w x 10"h.

Mondgucker said...

that is a fine drawing. I am such a big fan of wrap-around-covers.

Onsmith said...

Thanks Ulf!

ernan cirianni said...

For several months I see your work, sailing in the network, and has been being surprised, me and returned a fanatic, I gave that I am far because you can´t to begin to fear to me, je¡, recently in a specialized bookstore ask about your work, is difficult to accede to your material in Argentinean, perhaps obtain it by average yours paying from here, and your send me, i don’t know. I command you blog mine so that you see it mainly, because this in spanish but dates a return, is blog, that I did for another one blog in which 15 strip cartoonists we make histories autobiographical, two per day and the three week ends, I hope that you like
Greetings, Continue making geniuses.
Ernan: http://decomomehicericoyfamoso
Collective Blog:
Sorry my English is very very bad, I am the man of the caverns

maxi said...

me gustaron mucho los pins de Otto Soglow y de betty boop.
saludos .Maxi

Onsmith said...


Thanks for the kind words! I've seen your comics online before and yes, we share some similar sensibilites (although I wish I knew Spanish so I could read them). Thanks for sending the links as well!


As previously stated, I don't know Spanish, but I believe you're saying you liked the Otto Soglow & Betty Boop pinbacks. Yeah, they're awesome aren't they?