Sunday, May 01, 2011

"Black Eye no. 1: Graphic Transmissions to Cause Ocular Hypertension"

I'm very proud to announce the release of the dark humor comics & graphics anthology, "Black Eye" edited by Ryan Standfest and published by his Rotland Press + Comic Works.  The cover above was drawn by Paul Nudd and myself using watercolor, ink, and graphite on stained paper.

The book includes work by over 41 artists and writers from all over the world including Ivan Brunetti, Lilli Carré, Stephane Blanquet, Al Columbia, Paul Nudd and many others working the in the dark humor arts.  Please visit the Rotland site for a line up of contributors and ordering info.
I also contributed a two page spread of one-panel gags entitled, "Blood Clots."  Above is one of them.  The rest are much, much worse.

In addition to the cover, Paul Nudd and I also made a collaborative letterpress print for Black Eye.  It was printed by the great folks at Rohner Letterpress here in Chicago.  This is also for sale at Ryan Standfest's site.  More info and photos of Paul Nudd and I editioning the print can be found here.

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