Monday, January 07, 2008

Hotwire Comics #2 - Out in February 2008.

Here's the cover for the upcoming (Feb. 2008) Hotwire Comics #2 that I have a four page comic in. The cover is by Tim Lane and the anthology is edited by Glenn Head, featuring new material from Mark Newgarden, Ivan Brunetti, Johnny Ryan, Stephane Blanquet, R. Sikoryak, Sam Henderson, and several others. There's also a new website for the series and you can see samples from this upcoming issue here. Below is a sequence from my strip for the issue, entitled "The Candy Rod."


David King said...

I can't wait to get this book! It's cool that they were able to do another issue, and that you got to be in it again...did you see the "write-up" on


no new info or anything, but it would be cool for me if I saw my name on there

Onsmith said...

Hey David,

Thanks for noticing the post on BoingBoing and expressing your interest in the new Hotwire. I'm pretty excited to see it myself. And yeah, I hope they continue with the series for sure.

Anonymous said...

kalo mau tahu komik sesungguhnya klik

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeremy! I was just on the Chicago Comics page and saw what appeared to be your work at the top with a link to your OnSmith website....that's awesome! Good job.

Onsmith said...

Thanks Ashley!

Ray Frenden said...

Long time no talk. I, too, caught the header image at Chicago Comics and realized it had been a while since I stopped by.

There is a monthly artist meetup for the Chicago area in Wheaton that I thought I'd invite you to, as well.

Feel free to email me if you want to come.

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