Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Afterimage" Exhibits at DePaul, Columbia and RBSC: SAIC.

In conjunction with the "Afterimage" exhibit at DePaul Art Museum, I am exhibiting my collection of toys, ephemera, and other odds n' ends at the Roger Brown Study Collection.  Below are photos from this exhibit. (More info below.)


It's a huge honor to install my collection at the former home and studio of Chicago Imagist, Roger Brown.  An extra bit of greatness, is that the shelves that my collection sits on once belonged to Ray Yoshida.  Along with fellow artists, Edra Soto and Carl Baratta, we installed our collections exhibiting a distinct connection with Brown's and with the nature of organic collecting and art practice/influence.  This has been a wonderful experience and I hope that more folks can come to experience all the collections there.  Our installations will be up till November 18th.  

Also, another satellite exhibit at the Columbia College Center for Book & Paper Arts is showing some collaborative prints I made with Paul Nudd as well as work from the fellow artists mentioned above, Lilli Carre, and Eric Lebofsky.  Below is an image of one of the print suites exhibited, entitled "Head Heaps" (Onsmith + Nudd, 2009):

I also have some of my minicomics exhibited at the Joan Flasch Artists' Books Collection at the School of The Art Institute of Chicago.  If you're in Chicago, please check out one or all of these fantastic exhibits.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Folio Club no. 5 - Cover Illo and More

Here is the wrap-around cover I drew for The Folio Club #5 published and edited by Robert Pranzatelli.  I also have some sketchbook selections published in this issue (see below).  It also features new work from Lilli Carré. 

Monday, April 02, 2012


I will be a participating comics warrior this Sunday (4/8) for the Comic Art Battle at The Hideout.  It's a fundraiser for CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo) happening June 16th & 17th.  Come on out if you can.  (Poster by Ezra Clayton Daniels.)  Here's the lowdown:

COMICS ART BATTLE at the Hideout Easter Sunday 2012
Benefit for the first Chicago Alternative Comics Expo (CAKE)
Door at 7
$5 Donation
Refereed by Ezra Claytan Daniels
In the Ring:
Aaron Renier
Jo Dery
Brooks Golden
Susan Sarandon
David Alvarado
Krystal DiFronzo
Joe Tallarico
Jeremy Pettis
Followed by a musical DJ set from Fatty Jubbo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Afterimage" Micro-Exhibit at Roger Brown Study Collection.

September 13 - November 18th 2012

I am to curate my collection of toys, vintage junk, ephemera, and a few pieces of artwork at the amazing Roger Brown Study Collection.  This is in tandem with the post-Chicago Imagism exhibit at the DePaul Art Museum entitled, "Afterimage."  Two other artists, Edra Soto and Carl Baratta, will also bring in their own collections.  Mark your calendars.
In addition to me using the RBSC as a storage center for a month, some of the collaborative prints and drawings I created with Paul Nudd will be featured at the Center for Book and Paper Arts at Columbia College (again, in tandem with the "Afterimage" show for the dates above).  More about this exhibit may be found here.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

"Poxus Necropus"

These are the first 3 panels for my contribution to Paul Nudd's "Corpus Corpus 4: Pox, Poxus Necropus."  It's an 8 panel comic strip in B&W.  Look for it very soon.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Puck Comic Party.

Cover to Puck Comic Party.

One of my panels with lettering I did in Italian.

Puck Comic Party is a comics jam anthology from Italy including over 170 cartoonists from all over the world.  I am honored to follow Rick Altergott and in turn be followed by Chris Cilla.  It's quite an ambitious project including some of comics' heavy-hitters such as Marc Bell, Tony Millionaire, Al Jaffee, Jay Lynch, Bill Griffith, and SO MANY more.