Here's a ridiculously long blurb about the event:
Ice cream, buzzing flies, cow udders, double-tongues, jarred brains, twisted limbs, floating heads, mysteriously sheathed meat-slugs, severed arms, eyeballs, and shrunken-head fishing lures. Welcome to the graphic underbelly of Onsmith & Nudd, a cartoonish netherworld of darkly comic doom. Witness the mushy quadruple-stacked heads that form the menacing totem pole-like Head Heaps. Or the freshly staked heads and weird diseased udder worship of Monkey Nudd Wine. Together as friends, Onsmith & Nudd made close to 1000 prints this year, plenty to sift through, scour and pick apart with a fine toothed bone. Many of these prints, mostly silk screens, will be on view and available at Quimby’s in addition to Onsmith & Nudd's extensive back catalog of zines, mini-comics, miscellaneous multiples, video editions, posters, flyers and original art. As an extra added bonus, visitors are invited to participate in Onsmith & Nudd’s newest collaborative body of work, Horde of the Flies: An Infestation. Many large sheets of paper will be provided so that Quimby’s guests may draw between 1 and 1000 flies that will eventually culminate in a massive swarm of pesky winged insects. Examples, materials and sources will be provided.
Also, Nudd will be releasing the first two volumes of R.U.B., a new DVD zine that features in-camera edited documentaries of local artists. Volume I focuses on local kinetic sculptor Nick Black. Watch Nick as he tinkers with his thriftstore-found animatronic toys, rearranging them into hilarious monstrosities. His studio is a treasure trove of weird parts and pieces, a dizzying labyrinth of plastic and cheapness, and it’s all captured here on home video!!! Volume II contains a video about Keith Herzik, local artist, zine-maker and, most notably, screen printer. Keith began making screen prints fifteen years ago for local gigs, but has transcended the limitations of that form tremendously. Although he remains quite underground, Keith’s influence on younger artists has been immeasurable. Indeed, he is not only one of Chicago’s most prolific image makers and most gifted draftsmen, but also an outrageously daring colorist. Watch him banter, print and give us a tour of his shop, the Alamo Igloo, right here on home video!!!
Finally! Years in the making, Corpus Corpus 2 is finally here! A compilation zine with a notorious line-up, curated and printed by Paul Nudd, Corpus Corpus 2 contains thirty pages of mind and bowel blowing graphic mayhem. Mariano Chavez, Anne Van Der Linden, Gregory Jacobsen, Bruno Richard, Mike Diana, Edith Sloat, Sophie Greenstalk, Kristen Romaniszak, Onsmith, and Ryan Travis Christian join forces in a fully lathered orgy of primal muck. Silkscreened covers, some hand-tinted, and limited to 100 copies, Corpus Corpus 2 will not be around for long. These suckers will be snarfed!