Spudnik Press
1821 W. Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Friday, July 10th - Thursday, August 6th, 2009
Gallery hours: Mondays & Thursdays 6:30 - 11PM, or by appointment
Opening reception: Friday, July 10th, 7 - 10PM
Spudnik Press is pleased to announce a new exhibition of work by our Spring 2009 Artists in Residence, Paul Nudd and Onsmith. Ice cream, buzzing flies, cow udders, double-tongues, fishing tackle, jarred brains, twisted limbs and floating heads. These are all things Onsmith & Nudd. Three separate suites of prints meld these two artists' signature styles into a cartoonish netherworld of darkly comic doom. Witness the mushy quadruple-stacked heads that form the menacing totem pole-like Head Heaps. Or the freshly staked heads and weird diseased udder worship of Monkey Nudd Wine. Onsmith & Nudd made close to 1000 prints this year, plenty to sift through, scour and pick apart with a fine toothed comb.