Paul Nudd and Bert Stabler have organized an incredibly great print show that celebrates the connection, first pointed out by Freud, between the wealthy miser who retains his feces, and the artist who plays with hers. Our goal is to present art that illuminates our reflection in the porcelain pond.
The show includes work by:
Mike Houston
Keith Herzik
Martin Mazorra
Andy Bolus
Bruno Richard
Jake Austen
Kristen Romaniszak
Paul Nudd
Chris Kerr
Mindy Rose Schwartz
Edie Fake
Melissa Brown
Ryan Duggan
Paul Mack
Bert Stabler
The show is taking place in the NFO XPO, part of this year's Version
April 25 & 26 , 2009
1pm to 8pm
Benton House Gymnasium
3052 S Gratten Avenue
Bridgeport (off Bosley Park)
(a few doors north of the Benton House)