This is an illustration I did for the Winter 2007 issue of the The Common Review. It's accompanying an article about a college professor who takes his class on a trip to Europe, but his students don't take in the culture and sights and instead party and goof off.
This is a woodcut print I did at the beginning of this semester called, "Laborer and Monkey-Wrench". The block is 16"x20" and was more work than I had anticipated, but it's nice to work in a larger scale for a change.
This one is a two-block woodcut print called, "Peepholes". Both blocks measure at 9"x12" and were printed with water-based ink.
"Duel with Oklahoma" is a two-color screenprint I did in an edition of 40. It's on "speckletone" 100lb. French paper measuring at 12.5 x 16.5.
Finally, this is "Perspire/Expire", a four-color screenprint from a drawing I did previously. This is for Paul Nudd's "Corpus/Corpus" zine and print collection which will feature Nudd, Mike Diana, Greg Jabobson, Bruno Richard, Anne Van der Linden, Mariano Chavez, and others. I still feel like it's crazy that I'll be sharing "space" with these ridiculously talented folks, but Paul Nudd asked and I jumped on the opportunity.
I apologize for the poor photos I took with my 5 year-old digital camera, but at least you can get the gist of what these prints look like.
This is a fake New Yorker cover I did for a class. I figured I'd do it over Halloween, as it was recent and on my mind at the time I got the assignment. I have plenty of other stuff to post here, but it's just a matter of scanning and uploading, so come on back soon.